Similar in principle to acupuncture, but with absolutely no needles involved, Acupressure is a method to activate the body’s self-healing mechanisms to treat illness and alleviate pain.
Using a gentle, yet deep pressure on specific acu-points, the practitioner can relieve stress-related and trauma-related problems. There are many pressure points on the body that when activated bring about deep relaxation, balance the body’s energy, and stimulate many areas for improvement on many levels.
With clear roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Acupressure is a modality in which pressure is applied to points on the body aligned along 12 main meridians (pathways) (see chart below), usually for a short time, to improve the flow of energy, or Qi.
The practitioner uses massage techniques (with fingers, palms, and elbows) to press acu-points on the surface of the body to stimulate the body’s natural self-curative abilities. The pressure on key points along meridians removes energy blockages throughout the body by diffusing the toxic build-up that accumulates in the muscle tissue.
When stimulated, acupressure points will relieve tense muscles, encourage blood circulation, and prompt your body to release energy for healing. If you are currently fighting off an illness, acupressure can help speed up the process of recovery.
Applying pressure to the correct area that corresponds with the part of your body experiencing pain will clear any blockage that is causing it. This is highly effective if you suffer from frequent headaches or migraines. The applied pressure is also helpful because it causes an increase in blood circulation, which aids with pain relief.
One of the great benefits of acupressure besides making you feel better, is that it will help calm your brain. Stress and other emotional hardship can tense your body up; when that congestion is cleared, your body will more easily adapt to stressful situations. You will also feel less tense and your mind will feel calmer and stress free.
Neither over the counter or prescription pain medicine is good to take all the time. Your body can become dependent on them. With acupressure, any pain you experience will be pushed out. This decreases the pain you feel and the overall amount of pain medicine you will need to take.
Acupressure increases your blood circulation and muscle tone for your face as well as the rest of your body. This will decrease the appearance of wrinkles on your face, making your skin appear more youthful.
Easy Cozy focus on Acupressure (Body) Massage and Reflexology (Foot) Massage which are good for both males and females within any age range.