Similar in principle to acupuncture, but with absolutely no needles involved, Acupressure is a method to activate the body’s self-healing mechanisms to treat illness and alleviate pain.
The application of pressure to the feet has an effect on the whole body, providing a more relaxed and pain-free feeling. It can relieve sore muscles fast.
Originating in China and Egypt over four centuries ago, reflexology is based on patterns and an elaborate mapping of the energies of the body. The practitioner understands how those energies are interconnected, and how to work to balance your body.
All of Easy Cozy Wellness Massage Specialists are trained and accredited by the Vancouver International College of Health and Wellness (C.I.R.). Its Diploma of Acupressure and Massage (1000 hours) program is approved by PTIB (Private Training Institutions Branch, Ministry of Advanced Education) and NHPC (Natural Health Practitioners of Canada Association). Other Programs includes: Diploma of Chinese Foot Reflexology (120 hours)
Easy Cozy Wellness developed a unique set of Acupressure and Reflexology procedures of their own. No one else in the Great Vancouver area has a specific system like this that requires massagers to use different standing positions together with various arm postures to control the press strength on a client’s body. All of our Massage Specialists must complete our On-the-job training modules prior to their service to clients.