Burning pain in your shoulder is as irritating as any type of shoulder pain but it may not be as serious as other forms of shoulder issues.
If you have a fractured or dislocated shoulder it will likely be the worst form of shoulder pain you will feel. You will likely notice bruising, swelling, and tenderness in the affected area.
Do not Consider massage or acupressure treatment until later in the rehabilitation phase. You should first proceed to an emergency room and make sure that you see a doctor, preferably an experienced orthopedic shoulder surgeon.
The clavicle (collarbone), the scapula (the shoulder blade), and the humerus (the upper arm bone) are three possible bone fractures that can occur.
A less severe form of burning pain in the shoulder could be bursitis or tendinitis. Bursitis as we have mentioned in previous blog posts, happens when the bursa becomes inflamed in the areas around parts of your body like your shoulder. Bursa sit between muscles and tendons and your bones –in order to reduce friction and allow for smooth and painless movements.
Shoulder tendonitis causes burning pain similar to bursitis. However, in this case, it is inflammation due to repeated movements of muscle tendons in
your shoulder be it from the rotator cuff or the biceps.
One of the key differentiators is the sharp pain when lifting or rotating your shoulder above shoulder height and when performing weight-bearing or resistance-type movements.
Rotator Cuff injuries, common among athletes such as baseball players, are often accompanied by burning pain in the shoulder. Like tendonitis, this often happens from repetitive movements of the effective area over a long period of time without any type of rest or attempts at rehabilitation.
According to the Art of Wellness blog, Almost 20% of disability cases related to chronic pain are due to disorders of the shoulder, such as frozen shoulder (also known as adhesive capsulitis), torn rotator cuff, and tendonitis in shoulder.
For those inclined to perform some self care, the specific point for shoulder pain is the LI10 (large intestine meridian). This point can be found on the front side of the forearm at around three inches below the elbow. Gently add pressure and breathe deeply to lessen the stiffness and pain in the shoulder.
We still recommend booking an appointment with a knowledgeable professional from our clinic. One of the best ways to manage inflammation in the shoulder is by regular treatments.
The massage therapists at Easy Cozy Wellness in Abbotsford, BC, are experienced at providing relief from shoulder related pain issues such as burning pain in the shoulder. Call Easy Cozy Wellness today to book your appointment.
Easy Cozy focus on Acupressure (Body) Massage and Reflexology (Foot) Massage which are good for both males and females within any age range.