We’ve previously discussed different causes of shoulder pain at night. However, one topic that bears further investigation is how a pinched shoulder nerve can affect your sleep.
The spinal column is divided into three regions with the cervical spine consisting of the first seven vertebrae. So, it is a pinched shoulder nerve that affects the cervical spine specifically.
A pinched nerve in the neck can create pain and irritation if nearby structures in the body press on it. This includes bone, disk protrusions, or swollen tissue.
You will feel pain that travels from the neck all the way down the arm. The most common symptom will be tingling in the fingers or hands. This pain and tension is what causes trouble sleeping.
This is known as cervical radiculopathy.
Diagnosis of a pinched shoulder nerve should be done by a doctor as soon as you have a serious onset of pain. By diagnosing and understanding the root causes of the pain, doctors will use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to reveal what the soft tissue looks like. Therefore, MRI’s are better than CT scans or X-rays for understanding causes of pain.
You can easily obtain over the counter medications such as ibuprofen or naproxen to help as can more heavy duty prescribed pain medication like injected corticosteroids.
If your condition requires more intense or invasive surgery, a doctor or surgeon may move forward with artificial disk replacement. With this, access to the spinal column occurs from the front of the neck and a diseased or damaged disk is replaced with an artificial one.
Continued pain management post such surgery or other less invasive treatments for a pinched shoulder nerve include putting an ice pack on the area up to 48 hours after the pain began.
Many find massage to have a number of positive effects as well including boosting circulation to inflamed areas and relief of muscle tension from the pinched shoulder nerve. This relief from muscle tension can help improve sleep.
The massage therapists at Easy Cozy Wellness in Abbotsford, BC, are well versed in helping patients with pain management and relief for pinched shoulder nerve related issues. Call Easy Cozy Wellness today to book your appointment.
Easy Cozy focus on Acupressure (Body) Massage and Reflexology (Foot) Massage which are good for both males and females within any age range.