Experiencing burning pain in your shoulder can be a sign of various underlying conditions. It's not just an inconvenience; it could indicate serious shoulder problems such as subacromial bursitis, rotator cuff tears or even shoulder tendonitis.
This discomfort isn't confined to the affected area alone. If left untreated, it may extend beyond your upper arm and cause distressing symptoms around your elbow or neck too.
Burning sensation is often associated with inflammation caused by injuries or overuse. Whether you're lifting heavy objects regularly at work, performing high-intensity workouts, or simply reaching out for something across the table - any activity that puts undue stress on this joint can lead to severe ache and burning feeling.
In addition to these common triggers, poor posture might also contribute towards developing chronic issues like frozen shoulders. Now let's delve into identifying different types of pains which are indicative of specific ailments affecting our shoulders.
Burning shoulder pain can be an indication that something is wrong within your body.
This discomfort can stem from various conditions, each contributing to the burning sensation you're experiencing.
The Joint Clinic, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Frozen Shoulder is a common culprit behind your burning shoulder pain symptom.
This condition leads to stiffness and an achy feeling throughout the upper arm and affected shoulder area.
Whereas Rheumatoid arthritis, too, contributes significantly to such symptoms by causing inflammation in joints including those around shoulders.
Scapular bursitis is another potential cause for Burning pain in shoulders.
This ailment typically results from injury or inflammation within the bursae located between your spinal column and scapula (shoulder blade).
Fibromyalgia, a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, can also manifest as burning shoulder pain.
This condition is often accompanied by fatigue and sleep issues.
Gallbladder problems are another potential source of this discomfort due to referred pain in the upper back or right shoulder area.
In some cases, restless arm syndrome may be responsible for the burning sensation experienced in your shoulders.
Shingles could potentially cause similar symptoms through nerve irritation while heart attacks might trigger such pains too although they're less common causes.
If you're experiencing burning pain in your shoulder, don't ignore it.
This discomfort could be indicative of various issues such as rotator cuff tears or shoulder tendonitis.
Persistent sharp pains are particularly concerning and warrant immediate medical attention.
Serious injuries like dislocated shoulders or fractures can cause intense pain that persists for long periods.
Bursitis, another potential complication, often results from untreated shoulder problems.
Experiencing burning pain in your shoulder can be distressing. Fortunately, there are numerous treatments that could bring some comfort.
If you're dealing with conditions like rotator cuff tears or tendonitis causing a burning sensation, physical therapy might help.
Experienced professionals trained in treating such issues use targeted exercises and techniques to restore mobility.
This approach often alleviates the discomfort associated with these shoulder problems.
Pain relievers offer temporary respite from the achy pain and stiffness of affected shoulders caused by ailments like bursitis or frozen shoulder.
Painkillers such as ibuprofen may reduce inflammation and ease symptoms temporarily.
Note though: it's crucial not to rely solely on them for long-term recovery but rather consider them part of an overall management plan under medical supervision.
In our next section we'll explore some alternative therapies which have shown promise in providing relief from this painful condition - let's dive into massage & acupressure treatments.
If you're dealing with aching in your shoulder, massage and acupressure could be helpful as alternative treatments.
Massage therapy, for instance, can help improve blood circulation to the affected shoulder area.
This increased flow of oxygen-rich blood can promote healing and alleviate symptoms associated with conditions such as rotator cuff tears or frozen shoulder.
Beyond massages, acupressure is another technique that's been shown to provide relief from that burning feeling in your shoulders.
Involving pressure applied to specific points on the body, this method aims at relieving tension within muscles around your upper back and shoulder blades.
Understanding the nature of burning pain in your shoulder is crucial to finding relief.
The discomfort could be a sign of various conditions, from tendonitis and frozen shoulder to fibromyalgia or Parsonage-Turner syndrome.
Each type of pain - severe, dull ache, radiating or burning sensation - can indicate different underlying issues.
Rheumatoid arthritis and scapular bursitis are common culprits behind this nagging burn in your upper arm area.
If you're experiencing persistent sharp pains or suspect serious injuries like dislocated shoulders, it's time to see a doctor. Don't ignore these signs!
Treatment options range from physical therapy for restoring mobility to medications that provide temporary relief. But remember: professional medical intervention is key for long-term recovery.
You might also find alternative therapies such as massage and acupressure beneficial; they improve blood circulation and relax muscles around the affected area.
The massage therapists at Easy Cozy Wellness in Abbotsford, BC, are experienced in providing therapy to relieve burning pain in the shoulder. Call Easy Cozy Wellness today to book your appointment.
Lilian Lian is the Lead Massage Specialist in Easy Cozy Wellnes. She was trained by a reputable Chiropractor in Chengdu, China. She graduated from Vancouver International College of Health & Wellness with a Body Massage Diploma and Reflexology Certificate. She has 10+ years of professional experience focusing on Deep Tissue Massage and Muscle Relaxation Massage. Her oil massage skills are the favourite of many clients.
Book an Appointment With Lilian Today!
Feature Image: Ed1994oar, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Easy Cozy focus on Acupressure (Body) Massage and Reflexology (Foot) Massage which are good for both males and females within any age range.