Sleeping in an unusual position like on the couch can cause a painful crook in the neck
A crook in the neck can happen when you wake up from sleeping at night. The immediate feeling will be one of pain and stiffness and you may not be able to move or movements will be very awkward.
Sleeping and sleep position is a big cause of a crook in the neck. Given that most people will sleep eight hours a night, the pillow you use as well as your sleep position means that you could be aggravating your neck muscles without realizing it. All this leads to neck muscle spasms and the feeling of the crook or pain in the neck.
Trauma is also a cause and could be as immediate as waking up from a night’s sleep but could be far more jarring and cause extensive damage that will take a long time to heal. Anything from a car accident to a serious sports injury involving the upper body can cause painful neck issues.
There are also a number of medical conditions as well including osteoporosis, related to age and primarily for women, as well as osteoarthritis that can cause neck pain. Cervical spondylosis, according to the Mayo Clinic, “is a general term for age-related wear and tear affecting the spinal disks in your neck.”
There are a number of ways to get rid of the crook in your neck. These can range from home remedy-type treatments to stretching exercises. They shouldn’t replace consultation with a doctor if the pain persists or booking with someone like the experienced acupressure professionals at Easy Cozy Wellness.
Ginger and cloves work as a pain reliever for a crook by applying to the affected areas of the neck where the pain is. Ginger works quickly when you apply it as a paste when mixed with water. Wrap cloves around the neck within a cloth, as part of a compress and leave it on overnight to help stop muscle spasms.
Over the counter medications such as Tylenol can help with relief from the neck pain. However, if you have exhausted using these and home remedies it’s time to book a consultation.
If you have not been able to successfully treat or relieve pain from the crook in your neck, it’s time to look at an appointment with a doctor and possible followup treatment with acupressure or acupuncture.
Doctor’s should be able to come to a conclusion about the neck pain. They will often use tools at their disposal like X-rays or Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
They should also look at how things like lifestyle as well as sitting and sleeping positions affect you. From there they can make recommendations for stretching that will relieve the crook once they’ve found a root cause.
Alternative therapies such as acupressure and acupuncture can also help relieve a neck crook. Spineuniverse notes that “Certain acupoints between the cervical spine (neck) and the top of the shoulder when treated with acupressure relieve pain. When the flow of blood is enhanced, toxins are flushed away, and oxygen and healing nutrients are provided.”
The massage therapists at Easy Cozy Wellness in Abbotsford, BC, are experienced at providing relief from shoulder related pain issues such as burning pain in the shoulder. Call Easy Cozy Wellness today to book your appointment.
Easy Cozy focus on Acupressure (Body) Massage and Reflexology (Foot) Massage which are good for both males and females within any age range.