There are some types of foot arch pain that are not caused by plantar fasciitis. However, this inflammation of the flexible band of tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot is the single most common cause of foot pain in North America. Massaging plantar fasciitis can be a very effective treatment.
You can check out a foot pain identifier to see if plantar fasciitis may be what’s causing your heel or foot arch pain. Better still, you should have your doctor confirm before starting treatment or exercise program.
Ignoring plantar fasciitis pain and carrying as usual in hopes that it will eventually resolve itself is a foolish move — it just doesn’t happen and can result in serious damage to your feet.
Sudden changes to the intensity of your workouts or activities can put extra strain on the tissues in your feet, resulting in inflammation, contraction and pain. When running with plantar fasciitis, it’s crucial to properly stretch and rest the affected foot for adequate periods of time. However, if you fail to follow through with treatment will slow healing and keep the inflammation and pain coming back.
Fascia is a connective tissue that is found all over the human body, containing nerves that render it nearly as sensitive as your skin. The fascia contracts when it’s stressed, which is what’s happening on the bottom of your feet during a bout of plantar fasciitis. This amazing tissue contains fluid that helps it to stay flexible, stretching with each movement. Go ahead and take a few very slow steps right now in your bare feet. You’ll then observe the myriad of micro movements your feet go through to make each step happen. The organic rolling motion — the stretching and contracting of your plantar fascia is a critical part of that dance. When the fascia becomes tight and dry, it can no longer stretch as it needs to and walking becomes very painful, even difficult.
Massaging your plantar fasciitis (along the bottom of your foot) will help to get the fluid moving again to increase flexibility and reduce pain. A professional massage therapist understands the structure of the plantar fascia and will use specific pressure points and stretching techniques in your foot, heel, and calf to soften & lengthen the contracted tissue, restore mobility and relieve pain. With proper circulation and movement, the body is even able to flush out the toxins that cause inflammation and begin to heal itself.
At Easy Cozy Wellness in Abbotsford, BC, our therapists are extensively trained and experienced, successfully treating plantar fasciitis pain through specific reflexology massage techniques that have been carefully developed over time. Call or visit our online booking page today to book an appointment and let us help your feet start moving as they were meant to again.
For a broad overview of many different types of foot pain, read our new article, Finding Foot Pain Relief.
Easy Cozy focus on Acupressure (Body) Massage and Reflexology (Foot) Massage which are good for both males and females within any age range.